A deal for all you eBook fans…

Calling all eBook fans…

It’s summer again–finally!–and time for another eBook special from Tyndale house

Whether you use a Kindle, Nook, iPad or something else, we’ve got you covered!

Deals to be had on other authors’ works as well, such as DiAnne Mills and Susan May Warren. Check them all out HERE . It is such a privilege to be counted among these writers!

Oh…and if you still like bound books, old-fashioned as they may be, Eden Hill is also available nicely packaged with a shiny cover (yes, that is a 1954 Chevrolet).

Want to try it out first? Here’s the first chapter…

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Author Bill Higgs signs with The Hartline Agency

 VERY happy to announce that I’ve signed with The Hartline Agency for literary representation. Happy Day! So excited to be working with this outstanding agency for my future projects.

Yes, there is more to come from the good folks in Eden Hill!

Starting where Eden Hill leaves off, we’ll introduce some new characters, revisit a few others, and move into the wonderful new and promising year of 1964.

Stay tuned!


Eden Hill comes to the Kentucky Book Fair!

Great News! I’ll be one of the featured authors at the Kentucky Book Fair this coming Saturday, November 18 from 9:00am until 4:00pm. Plenty of copies of Eden Hill will be available for purchase. I’m very privileged and humbled to be at this event along with the likes of Wendell Berry, Sharyn McCrumb, and Bobbie Ann Mason. Exciting, yes?

The event is held at the Alltech Arena at the Kentucky Horse Park, just outside of Lexington. All the details are HERE.

And better news: no admission or parking fee! What better way to spend a gloomy Saturday!

Do come by my table for a copy of Eden Hill, an autograph, a bookmark, or just to chat a bit. Eden Hill might just be real, you know…


It’s Back…a Delightful Deal on a Digital Download

So. November 1. The first day of a gloomy month? Car payment due? All Saints Day?

Yes, but also the beginning of a month of special deals for all you eBook fans. Eden Hill is only $1.99 for your favorite eReader. That’s right, less than your morning Starbucks! And about the same as a thick-sliced bologna sandwich and grape Nehi at Stacy’s Grocery. Such a deal!

And a reminder: Eden Hill also comes in a nice traditional book with Neil’s powder blue ’54 Chevy on it’s shiny soft cover. A wonderful Christmas gift!

Eden Hill coming in Large Print!

And now for even more good news about Eden Hill! I’ve just received word that you’ll soon be able to read about Virgil and Mavine in a large-print edition. Thanks to the good folks at Thorndike Press (Cengage Learning), it should soon be available through the usual online sellers (watch for an extra line on their sites, like “also available as…)

Keep the bifocals, fellow boomers, but know that help is on the way!

Two more fabulous articles!!

October and November…Fall is indeed on us, the days are getting shorter, and the leaves are falling off the maple trees in Virgil T. Osgood’s front yard in Eden Hill.

It also two months with two great articles for your humble author. The first is an interview (always a dangerous thing) in Today’s Christian Living magazine for October/November. Thrilled to be part of the author spotlight along with Max Lucado, Cynthia Ruchti, and Ken Abraham. Pretty heady company, especially with Beth Moore on the cover. Thanks, TCL!!

The second is a great writeup on Eden Hill in Kentucky Living, the colorful magazine put out by the state’s rural electric cooperatives (after all, Eden Hill is somewhere in Kentucky, isn’t it? Please tell me it’s real…) Penny Woods’ kind article puts me in a bit different company (Western Kentucky University’s Big Red mascot is on this cover), but introduces Eden Hill to those who live in, well, the “Eden Hills” of my fair state. Thanks, Penny, and thanks to all those who keep the lights on…

One more “shout-out”: A special thank-you to the alumni relations gang at my alma mater, for featuring Eden Hill in the Georgetown College magazine!